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An adventure is about to begin

An adventure is about to begin

Today marks the beginning of a great adventure: FlinchNot is launching!

FlinchNot is an ecommerce platform that allows entrepreneurs to create and grow their online stores. The platform allows the creation of highly customizable online stores through an intuitive interface.


make a quick, nervous movement as an instinctive reaction to fear, pain, or surprise.

Being an entrepreneur and starting any entrepreneurial activity takes courage. There are a zillion reasons why not to start a business. Before starting a business, one may think:

Why take the risk of starting this business and make sacrifices while I could just enjoy my current situation?

My idea is not so original after all...

What prevents big companies to just replicate my idea and crush me if it ever gets successful?

All of these questions and doubts constitute the building blocks of the flinch. Unfortunately, too many entrepreneurs fall into the flinch and discard their ideas and dreams out of these fears.

At FlinchNot, we encourage entrepreneurs to fight their fears and doubts: to Flinch Not. Truth is that entrepreneurship is not an easy journey. It takes dedication, courage, patience and multiple trials. The reality is that most eCommerce websites will not see a profit.

Despite all of this, we are positive that this journey will allow you to grow and learn new things. Creating an online store teaches about product development, branding, marketing, customer support, employee management... Starting an eCommerce business is first an investment in you.

Whats makes FlinchNot different?

Many eCommerce platforms exist and allow you to create your online store.
What makes FlinchNot unique is our focus on the follow points:


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